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Lights, Action, Camera!

So last week work started on site.. by day 2 we picked up the first problem. But I must say, Porter Davis have surprised me – since the build start the slab supervisor (Neale) has been working hard to restore my faith in their ability to resolve any issues. It’s like dealing with a different … Continue reading

And so it begins

So today was the scheduled site cut day. Given all the delays we have had so far and all the promises of “we will call you back on this date” or “we will have this information to you by this date” we tried not to be too hopeful. Today is my day off, so after … Continue reading

Power to the people

Well, more accurately power to the pit, from the power people. So apparently despite taking 2 weeks to acknowledge even receiving our original email requesting quote, and losing our faxed payment, the people doing the physical labour side of it actually did it reasonably quickly. It does look like a rush job unfortunately and makes … Continue reading

Demolition is go

Demolition is under way! Monday they were in and removing asbestos. Few other bits and pieces but not a lot of work. The next couple of days was pretty slow, knocked down the garage and did some manual brick wall demolition that was probably a bit too sensitive for the big excavator. Wednesday afternoon the … Continue reading